看完 500 Days of Summer ,立即買了原聲唱片,裡面當然不能少了 The Smiths 的 Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get what I Want.
電影中,Summer 就是因為聽到 Tom 的耳筒漏出來 The Smith 的歌,發覺有共同興趣,才在電梯裡面向他搭訕。有共同興趣,覺得他有趣,覺得他可愛,但卻不一定等於會認定他是 the one…
Good times for a change
See, the luck I’ve had
Can make a good man
Turn bad
So please please please
Let me, let me, let me
Let me get what I want
This time
Havent had a dream in a long time
See, the life I’ve had
Can make a good man bad
So for once in my life
Let me get what I want
Lord knows, it would be the first time
Lord knows, it would be the first time
Good times for a change? I wish.