Beneath the pale moonlight…


Somewhere Out There – Linda Ronstadt & James Ingram

Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight
Someone’s thinking of me and loving me tonight

Somewhere out there someone’s saying a prayer
That we’ll find one another in that big somewhere out there

And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star

And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we’re sleeping underneath the same big sky

Somewhere out there if love can see us through
Then we’ll be together somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true

And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star

And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we’re sleeping underneath the same big sky

Somewhere out there if love can see us through
Then we’ll be together somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true

1987 年,暑假檔期動畫片《老鼠也移民》的主題曲。看這齣電影,聽這首歌的同時,家裡也真的在申請移民。那一個中秋,我以為下一年已經會身處澳洲了。不過,由於申請有阻滯,我還在香港多過了三個中秋,考了會考,完成中六,更在中大讀了 Year 1。那些日子,讓我碰到了一些事,遇到了一些人,在我成長的歲月中,尤其重要。

不過,如果當年移民申請順利,那一個真的是在香港的最後中秋的話,我大概會在澳洲完成中學課程,考 HSC,人生的路,可能就完全不同了。雖然,我當時已經打定主意唸建築,最大的可能會是在這裡早一年入大學,遇到的同學便會完全不同,而後來畢業時亦不會有由同學介紹的第一份工。若是如此,今天,我會在做一些甚麼項目呢?

Out here, my dream 20 years ago of being an architect came true, or has it really?

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Day lily says:

    Yes.You may as well say so.

    Dreams really do come true.

    I have great belief in your ability.
    You must have a strong conviction in your own talents.

  2. says:

    哇。 1987 至今將近二十年了。人的際遇多少與個性有關,雖不知另外一條路如何,說不定仍在興趣範圍裡工作吧,認識的人就算不同,可能也是同類型的吧。

  3. says:


  4. Stannum says:


  5. etranger says:

    somewhere out there
    out where dreams come true

  6. Stannum says:

    Thanks etranger!

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