在書店裡看到 Eat Pray Love 的中文版就叫做《享受吧!一個人的旅行》,雖然有些朋友對書中 Liz 的行為有點不以為然,認為是生活富足的都市人自尋煩惱。不過,她旅程中的領悟,可能是如果她留在原地,一生一世也不可能得到的。
自從兩個月前安排好這一次的旅程之後,心情一直到很期待。只是,到了最近的一兩星期,卻給某些人和事弄得有點提不起勁。臨出發的今天,我只好告訴自己,我一定要好好地放鬆心情,因為 there is no one else to cheer me up。
Have a nice trip Stannum! If there is no one else to cheer you up, just let the places / cities cheer up you up. I went to Venice alone a couple of months ago, without any lover or friend. I could have felt pathetic to be alone in such a romantic city, but the truth is I did’t feel lonely at all. Empty your mind and let new and interesting things to soak up your soul. I am sure you’ll be able to feel great too.
I like ‘Eat Pray Love’ too and kept seeing its trailer during my trip to Europe. I often think a journey is a catalyst for many sudden realisations. I hope you will find muse in your journey. Look forward to your travelogue!