
沒人 tag 我,不請自來就寫了。


That’s why you go away
要走的,始終要走。某段時間擊中要害,不由自主地 repeat 再 repeat 。碟中另一首歌 Naked Like the Moon,也是心水之選。

Sometimes When We Touch
I’d rather hurt you honestly, than mislead you with a lie.


Try to Remember
…the kind of September ,哪一種的九月?是跟某個她認識的九月?是追求著另一個她的九月?是送別誰的九月?

9 Comments Add yours

  1. mad dog says:

    Try to Remember我都幾鍾意.

  2. sidekick says:

    我最喜歡微塵點滴的這個版本~ 🙂

    That’s why you go away, 這歌當年播得太爛, 感情都磨蝕了…

    Sometimes When We Touch, 一聽就會諗起”濕晒”~ :p

    She, 覺得係你當然o既選擇~ 🙂

    Try to Remember , 會諗起黎明…
    奇異地, 佢唱呢首歌唔難聽~

  3. Stannum says:

    嘩,接受唔到女聲版 Vincent 呀。

    本來想選同一張 CD 既 Naked like the moon ,但係 YouTube 無,可能大部份人都未聽過,先揀 That’s why you go away 咋。

    Sometimes when we touch 同濕晒有咩關係呀?

    Try to remember 黎生翻唱 OK ,因為有電影襯托嘛。翻唱三大天王,就……

  4. sidekick says:

    I wanna hold you till the fear in me 濕晒~~~ ^o^

  5. Alex says:

    哈,我也十分喜歡 “She” 這首歌呢!每次一看《摘星奇緣》,片頭一播這首歌,都會有一種很奇妙的感動!

  6. 《 she 》令我諗起千 fa 的《最後的歌》。

  7. Stannum says:

    Sidekick :好好笑,真係無聽過呀!

    Alex :頭尾兩次播,都好配合劇情,好感動。當然,當年身邊坐著的她也是感動的原因之一。


  8. anestasia says:

    Your choice of songs quite suit my taste, I also like them a lot, but recently I like more this song ” My love will take you home”
    Have you heart it?


  9. Stannum says:

    Anestasia :My Love Will Take You Home 也是電視劇效應吧!作為配樂式的插曲很不錯,但如果當一首歌來聽,好像有點沉悶呢。

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