
圖片版權:華納兄弟電影公司 .來源:「蝙蝠俠—俠影之謎」官方網站 拖了近一個月,才有空去看「蝙蝠俠—俠影之謎」。電影沒有令我失望,連之前嫌女主角不夠漂亮的感覺都被情節安排變得合理了。

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電影本身是前傳,因為之前的蝙蝠俠系列已經開到荼靡,尤其是1997年最後那一集「蝙蝠俠與羅賓」,爛得連飾演羅賓的 Chris O‘Donnell 都接近銷聲匿跡。今次由「凶心人」導演主理,他擅長的陰暗面心理描寫,竟然與蝙蝠俠的黑色元素起了很強的化學作用,令到我們心目中蝙蝠俠的冷和孤獨形象變得合情合理。

電影初段,Bruce Wayne 到喜馬拉雅向由 Liam Neeson 飾演的師父學神秘武功。選角令我將「星戰前傳1」中 Liam Neeson 和 Ewan McGregor 的師徒關係代了入去,到後來發現師父原來是奸角,實在出乎了我意料,印象深刻。

女主角 Katie Holmes 與之前蝙蝠俠系列的Kim Basinger, Michelle Pfeiffer, Nicole Kidman 的漂亮程度有段距離,但她角色的小時候身份一出場,就恍然覺得選角是對了,一個長大後變成正義律師的青梅竹馬小女友,如果太美艷,就完全不是味道了。她的樣貌,與 Bruce Wayne 戲內左擁右抱的那些美女形成了對比,而男主角 Christian Bale 望著她的眼神,仿彿告訴我們,一起成長的經歷在他的心中是勝過任何美貌的。

說起左擁右抱,Christian Bale 的演出,令我想起了他在「美式殺人狂」裡面花天酒地的狂態。前作那殺人當消遣的變態神情令我心寒,但今次他演出來就令人覺得是故意假扮來掩飾身份的,很有層次感。從前段的失落迷惘,到後來變身蝙蝠俠時的低沉控訴聲線,心理轉折都掌握得很好。數年前聽過他為星戰的 Anakin Skywalker 試鏡,最終角色落在不太懂演戲的 Hayden Christensen 身上。如果由 Bale 來演,那由正入邪變成 Darth Vader 的過程就不會那麼表面化,不過他沒有得到角色的主因也許是比 Hayden 大七年的年齡吧?

其實以前看 Christian Bale 的演出也不少了,由他童星年代的「太陽帝國」,到後來的「美式殺人狂」和「戰地情人(Captain Corelli’s Mandolin)」。「戰地情人」描寫二戰中的希臘,Bale 飾演戰爭前嘻嘻哈哈的年輕漁夫,戰爭摧毀了他的生活,改變了他的思想,令他投入了抗戰的洪流。我那時邊看邊想像,一夜之間戰爭發生的可怕境況,電影就突然無故中斷了。我從來沒有遇過這樣的情形,戲院職員出來道歉,並派發贈券打發我們離去。




Stannum 業餘評分:棧棧棧棧棧棧棧棧棧(十個棧滿分)

(圖片版權:華納兄弟電影公司 .來源:「蝙蝠俠—俠影之謎」官方網站)

5 Comments Add yours

  1. poonwinghang says:


  2. Stannum says:


  3. Given that Nolan didn’t have the freedom that Rodriguez (Sin City director) has – unlike Sin City, Batman Begins IS a commercial movie – he has done exceptionally well. This is a good news for all Batman fans (myself included) who was so disgusted by the last two Batman series whose names are not worthy of my mention.

    I’m also Glad that Nolan chose not to do too many close-ups on the female protagonist, in this case Katie Holmes, instead choosing to spend more film on the psychological journeys of the characters. Christian Bale had done very well, I believe he can be put up there with Michael Keaton, they both nailed the complexity of Batman very well.

    Nolan is no Tarantino, we all know that, but nevertheless the storyline is solid (although some say it’s boring) and straightforward, no unexplained bits characteristic of Hollywood Blockbusters. It’s bits of Nolan’s touches – the psychological bits, the darkness, which made the movie so gripping, and great to watch.

    There’s this one line I really love in the movie, “It’s not who you are that defines you, it’s what you do that defines you.” Cheesy line, but suited the movie so much.:)

  4. Stannum says:

    Sin City just started screening earlier this week in Sydney… I haven’t seen it yet, so I can’t compare the two. Would you recommend Sin City?

  5. Definitely, it’s definitely one of the best movies this year:)

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